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When an Original Is Not Original

Publisher: Intersentia
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Originality is an important element in different branches of law. For instance, under Belgian contract law, a written mutual agreement must be drafted in as many originals as there are parties. In other branches of law, there are requirements for the preservation of original documents. However, while originality may be an element common to different branches of law, there are clear indications that the precise meaning of this notion may be rather divergent between them. Moreover, the introduction of digital processes in many aspects of law has provided another dimension to this matter, as originality remains a difficult element to apply in the realm of electronic information.
Currently, there are little to no guidelines on how to establish when electronic information is original and when it is not. Therefore, it is the aim of this book to analyse a select number of incarnations of the originality requirement in different branches of Belgian law in order to establish whether common


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